YouTube Favorites is a graveyard

I haven't been to my Favorites in a while, and checked it out today as part of cleaning up for the new Terms of Service, COPPA, and other changes going into effect.


Many have been deleted, and when you click them, YT doesn't tell you anything about the video, just that it's gone. So I don't even know what used to be there, to look it up again elsewhere. :/

Also, check out what the most common reason for deletion was: HATE SPEECH?!?


I don't watch (or favorite) hate speech, so I'm certain YT has been mislabeling good content that way, to censor it! Absolutely certain. They are corrupt to the core and will stop at nothing to silence anyone who would try to expose them. Tyrants. Fascists. Book burning monsters!

About 20% of my Favorites are now Deleted! My guess is that up to 1 in 5 videos has recently been forcefully removed by YouTube.



I'm now also on Flote and Bitchute, and trying to build my audiences there. Of my 9000 subscribers, I've only managed to pick up 7 on Bitchute! Is everybody waiting for the hammer to drop, before they'll try something other than YouTube?

Carpe diem!!


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