The premier blogging user interface of the hive blockchain is censoring what you see.

It's a simple plain fact.
@peakd is willing to hide from you the things they think you don't need to see.
You were given no choice in this.
They have chosen to take a side in a difference of opinion and have hidden the other side from you.
By default.


Can you still see what they have chosen to hide from you?
Yes, if you know where to look.

Will you see it in the course of your normal day?
Probably not.
Which is the intent of @peakd's decision to hide it from you in the first place.

Do you even know what I am talking about, dear reader?

You may not have even noticed that some discussions in the hive have been hidden from you.
How could you know they exist if you were never allowed to see them in the first place?

@peakd has decided that you don't need to be bothered with unpopular dissenting opinions.
@peakd has chosen the side of the popular and edited out the unpopular.
The memory hole is alive and well in the corporatacracy that is @peakd.

@peakd has decided that some voices are not to be heard while others will be given preference by default.

You are not to be given a choice in this, you are to simply not even notice.
I'm gonna guess that that plan was successful.
Most hivizens will have no clue of what I am talking about.

All hail the omniscience of @peakd!


So, I naturally spoke up.


I have gotten a response to my query.
It was explained to me in terms of dust votes.
If you don't have enough hp to affect a 1% impact on the payout of the post, your downvote will not register in the ui.
The calculation is done upon opening the post.

It was suggested that if one wants their downvote to show in the ui one should buy more hp.

The downvotes of the xaccounts were defined as noise, and therefore, inconsequential.
Done only with the intent of annoying others.

It was further stated that if your downvote doesn't reach 1% of the payout of the post it won't be shown even if collectively all the downvotes would have shown.
On a post with a payout of 100hbd, any downvotes less than 1hbd will be hidden.

This means that on trending, unless somebody has a large enough vote to overcome this 1% threshold the post will show zero downvotes irrespective of how many downvotes were cast.

This would lead to no downvotes showing at all even though dozens of downvotes have been cast on the post.

All laws favor the rich, or they change them.


If @peakd wants to offer an opt in service that is fine.
But, to decide for me that I have to overcome the impediments they have erected to keep me, and most daily users, from seeing speech on the chain, that is a bridge too far.

IF you care enough to register your disappointment with this autocratic decision, you can do so here:, and/or here:
Or, in the comments of this post.


If you are tired of paying your masters to bomb children in far away places, perhaps it is time you pushed back on that, eh?
A simple way that anybody can do that is to hoard your coins.
A dollar of change in your pocket is a dollar of value out of the banksters' pockets that make the world what it is today.

That is all, for now, you may resume your otherwise mundane day.
To contest the characterization of your day as mundane, make a post of your own explaining why your day is not mundane and ping me, eh?


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