Oogway Legacy - Hans Zimmer

Hola gente de HIVE!


Acá les quería compartir un fragmento de la banda sonora de Kung Fu Panda 3, Oogway Legacy.

Hans Zimmer (Compositor de Piratas del Caribe, Madagascar, Kung Fu Panda, El Rey León, Gladiador, Batman, etc) es uno de los compositores que más me han inspirado a lo largo de mi vida, gracias a su música y a sus composiciones yo elegí empezar a tocar este hermoso instrumento.

Quería compartirles esta grabación que hice en el HomeStudio, para que pudiesen conocer (quienes no conocen) a este increíble compositor.


Hello HIVE people!

Here I wanted to share with you a fragment of the soundtrack of Kung Fu Panda 3, Oogway Legacy.

Hans Zimmer (Composer of Pirates of the Caribbean, Madagascar, Kung Fu Panda, The Lion King, Gladiator, Batman, etc) is one of the composers who have inspired me the most throughout my life. Thanks to his music and compositions I chose to start playing this beautiful instrument.

I wanted to share with you this recording that I made at the HomeStudio, so that you could get to know (those who don't know) this incredible composer.

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