The inspiration behind ''To the monster of my childhood'' | Writing challenge by Celfmagazine and Sndbox

Waking up in the middle of the night, the cold in my bones, and the loneliness in my heart while I remenbered my childhood was the inspiration to my story.

No one told me monster stories when I was a child, nothing about ghost or misterious creatures, but my imagination has been always very stimulated, and I invented myself those stories, those tales, that I always tell to myself to feel less lonely.

I wanted to created something not usual, stories about monsters who eats children in the middle of the night? Yeah, sure, there are many of it, but there are so few stories about the monsters that helps us to be more than what we really are, there are few stories that tell us that the mosnters also can be our friends, the only friend, teaching us things that no one else can.

Thank you very much to @celfmagazine and @sndbox for the honorable mention, I really apreciate.

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