Daily Celestial Challenge: Friday - Love, Beauty and Freedom


Don't you find it strange that we have been taught to love according to the set cultural beauty standards?

"Bro, she's too white for you."
"Bro she's not thic what you thinking."
Or on the Eastern side of the globe you might get to hear,
"Bro she's so tanned."
"Her? Are you kidding me? She's so fat."

These objectifying statement regarding women are heard on a daily basis. Not only women but men are also objectified. This is due to the pre-set stereotype in every culture according to which an individual is supposed to be attracted to the other person. If that's not the case, boom you're weird. It is almost sickening. How can the most primitive emotion known to mankind be subjected to a set of requirements that need to be fulfilled before a person can love?


True freedom is when people love with what attracts 'them' rather than what they are supposed to be attracted to. True freedom will be when stereotypes are eradicated. Beauty standards are a superficial, shallow set of requirements that was probably created by a few who weren't thinking straight. I mean how could you find beauty in only certain things? There is beauty in everything, if you just look. There is beauty in black. There is beauty in white. Beauty standards should not come in between love or any other emotion for that matter.


How can you even call it love if it is an emotion based off the checklist your culture has for beauty standards? How is always considering that checklist freedom? It bounds you, it chains you. You don't go falling in love with faces, you're supposed to fall in love with their souls. Their perspective, their views, their habits. With each fiber of their existence. To love without the shallow culturally appropriate beauty standards is freedom. It is beauty.

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