Dark Movies Celestial Challenge

Only in the darkness can you see the stars.

Martin Luther King Jr.

Many people in our race love dark and twisted movies. Dark movies makes us go through plenty of unsavory experiences and and it drives us to do things that our saner self wouldnt have done . I specifically am not talking about movies like the dark knight which have a dark theme. I I am talking about movies like requiem for a dream or irreversible that really freaks us out


Agree or not, these dark twisted movies are an enjoyable experience. We often watch them with our dear friends .

Younger minds cant watch these type of movies. It affects their mental health. They after watching these type of movies start to enjoy violence. It should be the duty of parents to prohibit their child to watch such movies. These movies often come up with a rating of 18 plus so that shouldnt be an issue

Watching these type of twisted movies is no doubt an enjoyable ride. These are some great dark movies that you should watch
The Prisoners
Saw series
The Elephant Man


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