Celestial Challange -(Monday) "Darkness"! @Sriknight

Hellow Steemians fellows !
Today's theme is Darkness .


No Darkness of this Universe, is more horrible than the Grave's Darkness !

When we will be in the end of time, we will be in our real places according to our deeds but before that, we have to give a test to everything we did in our life, every single thing we did!!! The sinners should feel shamed of their deeds and they know that but still they are proud to be sinners!!! When you will in the DARKNESS of grave, you will sorrow and sad of wasting a lot of time in your life !


There is nothing more terrifying than the grave's darkness .
BUT those who love thier "GOD" by true intentions and true heart than they are the real ones that will be in peace and in those blessings that human being has never imagined of ,,
So , be aware of THAT darkness and do good deeds to be away from THAT terrifying and horrible darkness and BE PREPARED FOR THE DAY OF "JUDGEMENT" !

Thanks to all of you to reading my post , hope you will like this. Keep supporting .

Regard : Mehreen

Sunday : Light
Monday :Darkness
Tuesday: Animal kingdom
Wednesday : Structure
Thrusday :Force in nature
Friday : Love beauty nature
Saturday : Agriculture

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