Iq test with sammiegold

Image designed by @promzyelisha who is also assisting in coordinating the contest.

Hello Everyone,

welcome to the fourth edition of this I.q contest. The contest is simple and fun-filled. The contest is all about giving words to acronym a-z of any field chosen for the particular edition

This contest is a bi-weekly contest(every 2weeks). Before introducing the week's theme, let us recognize our winners of the previous edition. We had just 3 entries:-

  • First person is Belomo-(please drop your bts id)
    Prizes: 40bdt 50flezer 200altt 150brocoin

  • The Second is @Isaac-richie-(bts id: isaac-5)
    Prizes: 30bdt 30flezer 150altt 100bro

  • The Third Is @Horluwaseun- (bts id: zick-kris) Prizes: 20bdt 20flezer 100altt 100bro

A big congratulations to you all and thanks for participating. Your rewards will be sent soon. Ensure to join the week's own.


This week's second edition is writing out words for acronym A-Z of animal's names. Without wasting time let's do this.
Here is my own version as a sample for us to follow:

A - Antelope

B- Baaboon

C- Cat

D- Duck

E- Elephant

F- Falcon

G- Goat

H- Horse

I- Ibis

J- Jaguar

K - Kiwi

L- Liger

M- Mole


O- Octopus

P- Parrot

Q- Quoll

R- Rabbit

S- Seal

T- Turtle

U- Unicorn

V- Vulture

W- Walrus

X- x-ray tetra

Y- Yawk

Z- Zonkey


  1. Be creative and write your answer as comment, you can make as a post on your blog but the answer should be written as above in the comment section.

  2. Drop your bitshares I.d with your answers.

  3. Invite atleast 3 people.

winners would be chosen by secret judges



  1. First prize: 40bdt 80flezer 200altt 150brocoin
  2. Second prize: 30bdt 50flezer 150altt 100bro
  3. Third prize: 30bdt 30flezer 100altt 100bro


  • There are consolation prizes for participants also for participant who can tell the name of the judge.

The contest is sponsored by @samest with bdt token which can be used for upshare from the bdt team or samest by sending quantity and postlink to bdt-team or samest.

Sponsored by @stevenmosoes with flezer token which can be used to get upshares from @god account by sending quantity and post link to flz-token.

Sponspored by @seyiodous with altt token which can be used to get upshares from @altruistic account by sending the quantity and post link to altt-token.

Sponsored by @raymondspeaks with brocoin which can be used to get upshare from raymondspeaks by sending quantity and postlink to brocoin-wallet.


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