Cattle - Clueless - Change

Are you one out of the cattle? Not reading just clicking/doing, following the big group, the cattle? This behavior is typical for many people. You see it in real life and here on social media. It comes with blindness about what it's about, what is really going on. Just do it because others do it, without asking, doubt, criticism.


Curation Circle Creed
What I notice is the tag #ccc is used a lot. Mainly by people who have no idea what it stands for. They never heard of the community Curation Circle Creed. Those dumbasses think it's short for the tribe creative coin. It's useless to tell them they use the wrong tag to post at that tribe, they are clearly blind too. They join hive-166850 without reading what it stands for... what makes me think.

CCC, the community, helps little fish grow.
She, the community, was growing and a steady group joined the contests.
Since the latest hard fork/split it sounds as if people are no longer interested in contests. Might be #Covid19 is the reason and the mood to join left, might be #communities are no longer needed in a world that promotes social distance for more as one reason, might be we all have better things to do or anxiety takes over lives and that's the reason why communities are not at their best these days?
Whatever the reason is, it all has to do with change. People are not good at it handling it. Change is seldom fun and it asks something from you. It asks you to be flexible, open minded, learn something new. Invest time and energy to find out how it all works. You might have to let go of something but can find a lot of good if you are open to it.

CCC? It doesn't only stand for Curation Circle Creed but for cattle, clueless and change too.

What does CCC mean to you 2.44 hosted by @team-ccc/@hive-166850

#CCC = #hive-166850

This is an Invitation to join #ccc. The community CCC supports members by encouraging and upvoting each other and by hosting contests. Contests are hosted by @team-ccc and it's members. See @team-ccc for contests running.

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