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A 'Little Bit' Past 'Midnight'

One of my sisters-in-law (my late-husband's sister) is staying with me for a little while. She needed a respite/change-of-scenery in her life and also thought that, perhaps, she could be of some help to me in the cleaning-out of my parents' house.

Along with her, there are two kitties visiting, too! One was originally named Midnight because he is coal-black in color, although he has been called Gorgeous lately, because he is! He is so dark that my photos of him only showed a black mound of dark fur with two intense little eyes peeking out. So, I applied my usual photo-processing technique to bring out more of his features, even though it makes his fur look more charcoal-grayish than black.

He is the older of the two cats, probably around 14 years old, and was a rescue who needed a good home. My sister-in-law has certainly given him an excellent home and lots of love!

For those interested, one of my original photos of him is shown below on the left, and the processed shot is on the right for comparison.

The other kitty is named Little Bit because she was so tiny when she was a kitten. She was so small that she could often squeeze into the smallest spaces that other cats could not easily navigate. I only "met" Little Bit for the first time this past week and have already been a witness, twice, to her excellent ability to hide in the most curious of places.

Little Bit is about three years old, and is also a rescue. She was found wandering down a very busy street when she was quite small. Someone took her in, temporarily, and tried to locate her original owners, but in vain. So she must have been abandoned, intentionally. Then, though a fried-of-a-friend, she came to live with my sister-in-law.

Because of her color pattern, she is classified as a "tiger cat" with beautiful, soft orange fur. As is sometimes the case with tiger cats, her vocalizations are quite faint and have a peculiar little trill that makes her almost sound like a bird singing softly.

It is nice knowing other kitties (besides me! LOL) are in the house for a time! 😸 And now the title of this post makes sense, eh...? 😁

Since my sister-in-law has been here, my time on Discord has been a little spotty, as members of some of my servers might have noticed. But, I still peek into the servers where I have Admin/Moderator duties frequently, so no worries! More details and photos will be forthcoming, I am sure!


to learn more about either of these projects, please visit: @heyhaveyamet or @steemterminal
