Saturday Caturday 08.31.24 Kitten Update!

Hello there Friends, Happy Caturday / Saturday Night - and I wish to thank you for your visit!

I wanted to share a sort of weekly update on the Kittens - whom are becoming large.
This month on the 26th they will be 6 months old. It has been an interesting journey to say the least!
And.. they have done the personality switch, once again!
This is Wilbur, and he has become a big boy "House Tiger"! He really eats the least, and weighs the most - by a lot!

Funny, the food bowl is the only place he never plays the bully?!?

And Splash, hanging on a chair,

Now these two have been a little distanced lately - the last week.

Now the other two - whom have become quite attached!
Here is Saph-Fire staring at me,

I caught him so now he has to close his eyes!

And the other one that is getting more attached all the time,

Hugging my leg - which she likes to do,

And taking a nap, with a death grip on my leg,

And with that I want to thank you once again for your visit! The Kitties have been a little slow this week,let's see what they get into this week!
And also, Wishing you a very Amazing New Week!
Stay "Blessed, Happy, and Safe"!
Remember "The Father" in ALL THINGS!
He "Remembers You"!

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