Saturday 09.07.24 Caturday! Some "New" Kittens!

Hello there Friends, Happy Caturday / Saturday Night - and I wish to thank you for your visit!

I wanted to share something different with you this week - along with the weekly update on the Kittens - whom are becoming large.
This month on the 26th they will be 6 months old - time is flying!
So here is a surprise!
It appears that as soon as I took my Cats home, their Mom got pregnant again. So, here is a second litter that is living at the old house.
They are adorable and I hope that helps finding them homes!
I have not named them, as I don't want to be more involved than I am already, but I think they have (ex-roomates).
This one they call "Spot", because of the black spot on it's head,

Here it is trying to check out the phone,

And the other two siblings, which I will admit the one with the black around it's ears is cute!

And meanwhile at my place, here is the "crew", and I think they are all pretty happy!
The girls are hanging upside down for some reason!
This is Splash,

And Sparkles,

The boys,

And Saph-Fire,

I had to include a "family photo",

and yep they keep getting bigger!
And with that I want to thank you once again for your visit!
And also, Wishing you a very Amazing New Week!
Stay "Blessed, Happy, and Safe"!
Remember "The Father" in ALL THINGS!
He "Remembers You"!

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