Happy Caturday from Curator Cat: Of "UP" Cats and "DOWN" Cats

Yes, it has gotten to be Saturday again... and that means my favorite day of the week, CATURDAY!

Time for you Hoomans and Felines of Steemit to get out all those cute cat and kitten photos and post away!

This morning, I was thinking about the way we cats have different personalities, just like Hoomans. My experience has also been that some cats are "up" cats, and some cats are "down" cats.

Surveying the world from above...

I really like to get UP on things; to survey the world from above. I get on the counters, on top of the dresser, on top of the fridge, on top of the china hutch... the view seems better from up there.

Sometimes I even get in trouble for getting "up" on things!

As cats go, I spend very little time "down" on the floor, sleeping... the Hoomans' bed is often as far "down" as I get.

UP on something, once again....

I guess — to some extent — that when I am UP and sleeping, I know the dog can't sneak up on me. Not that she actually does that... but just in case.

My housemate BeBe, on the other hand, is pretty much a "DOWN" cat.

BeBe, sleeping on her blanket, on the floor...

She shows very little interest in getting "up" on on things. In fact, I'd say the most "up" she gets is to eat out of the dry food dish, which is just far enough off the floor that the dog doesn't get to it (and empty it; HORRORS!), and if it wasn't up, I'm not sure BeBe would ever get much higher off the ground that sleeping on the bed, sometimes.

Of course, she's very adept at picking spots on the floor where she can trip up the Hoomans!

Hope you are all having a beautiful day! I'm off to do the Caturday "rounds" on Steemit!


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