Top 10 exotic cat breeds in the world.

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I believe that cats no matter which breed or no breed are cuttest pets that you can have, but here's a countdown of top 10 exotic cats.

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The Oriental cat is also smart and social and will bond deeply with its owners. It can be quite vocal and demanding -- a very "dog-like" cat. Whether you get the longhair or shorthair version, the Oriental is a loyal and playful companion.

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The American Shorthair is healthy, gentle, easy going, and low maintenance -- grooming is not an issue with this breed.
Even better, the American Shorthair is great with kids and gets along well with dogs, too.

It’s a large, long, sturdy cat with long silky hair (which isn’t as thick as a Persian’s) that does not mat. This cat is known for its blue eyes, dark points on its ears, face, legs and tail, and snow white boots on all four paws. This is a loving, gentle cat that loves to play, but can stay quiet and out of the way when you’re busy.

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The hairless Sphynx isn’t completely hairless; it has a fine peach-like fuzz over its body, which makes it very sensitive to the sun and elements.
It is warm to the touch, energetic, affectionate, and cuddly. The Sphynx will even snuggle under the covers with you. With its big pointy ears and curious nature, the Sphynx is a fun addition to any family.

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The Ragdoll is a gentle and affectionate cat, and will often follow its owners from room to room like a puppy. The Ragdoll is not good at defending itself and shouldn’t be allowed to roam the streets alone. In fact, it is careful not to use teeth and claws during play, which makes it ideal around kids. This is a placid cat that really is satisfied with a relaxing lifestyle.

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This Cat can be verbally demanding in wanting attention (almost like a baby; in fact, its mews sound very much like the cry of a human baby), but it’s also a very affectionate, loving, and social cat. The Siamese can be sensitive and nervous, and is a creature of habit and routine. So if you're an international jet-setter that needs a cat that can travel, this is probably not the one for you.

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This is a willful, smart, and extroverted cat that loves to explore and play. Its love of games is only matched by its love of water, so watch out for unsolicited bath partners in the tub! Despite its curious nature, the Abyssinian is generally shy and timid around strangers. Although not completely antisocial, this breed is probably not the best choice for those looking to show the cat.
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while having a similar temperament to its long-haired cousin, the Exotic is a bit more lively and inquisitive, but still very much laid back, serene, and calm. The Exotic Shorthair is a great choice for someone who wants a Persian, but doesn’t have the time or desire to devote to grooming.
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The Maine Coon takes three to four years to reach full physical maturity
It has very thick fur with a waterproof layer, large wide paws that act like snow shoes for walking easily across snow, and a long, thick tail used to wrap about its face during harsh weather. The Maine Coon is not only a popular breed because of its temperament, but it’s also a great mouser, is healthy and hardy, and is great with kids and other animal, including dogs.
Its no surprise that this cat made it into this list anybody whose a cat lover knows about this cat
Calm and sweetly affectionate, this cat loves habit and serene environments. Do keep in mind that if you decide to get one, the Persian requires regular baths and daily grooming, as its fur is too long for it to self-groom thoroughly and it is prone to matting. For Persian fanciers, grooming is but one of the many pleasures of having the Persian as a companion. Persians are the quintessential indoor cats; it is best to keep this breed exclusively indoors.

So thats it thats your countdown for the top 10 exotic cats.

Which cat are you get or already have ?, let me know in the comments section.

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