

Tired boy:

But of course I’m tired. Who wouldn’t be?

I spent the entire night filled to the brim with what my hooman calls “zoomies”. I spent a great deal of time running around such a large expanse of territory! For I am mighty and own much! I’m also loving, and I lett my hooman exist in my territory. She does her due diligence and cleanses my defecating space.

But oof, I am so exhausted. Protection is hard. Especially when part of that was spent attacking nasty little cylinders. Blue and white evil little carriers. My hooman calls them “cups”and she brings these foul smelling objects to her face. I’ve watched her teach her youngling to do the same thing! But… aaaahhhhh Nothing feels so good as watching these “cups” be vanquished! I watch as their life blood spills onto the table and drip to the floor. Only then do I know that my hooman is safe. Glowing in victory, I drink from its life’s essence but make sure to leave enough so that my hooman can know that I am her protector.

Although, I must not let my hooman forget that I am her protector! I made sure to expunge some of the glorious essence back onto the floor, so she can see my might! I know she will love it because the moment she awakes, she makes her way over to my gift and spends much time hovering over it with a “rag”.

Now… I’m exhausted and must sleep. For tonight I just know that my Zoomies shall return and I will once again seek vengeance on the elusive… hair tie…

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