Why Your Cat Is Even More Interesting Than You Knew


Since cats are so adorable, they can brighten up your day with their funny antics. At times, they do some strange things that only a cat can imagine, and you will never figure out what they are thinking of. If you happen to own a pet cat, you will surely know what I am talking about. However, if you do not have a cat, but are planning to get one, you should realize that it could be a wonderful experience that will always make you smile.

A number of facts that will let you discover new things about cats as well as leave you laughing are as follows:

There is a tendency for cats to only meow at people, and very seldom at other felines.
Cats are capable of making 100 vocal sounds, whereas dogs are only able to make 10.
If you talk to your cat more often, it will do the same.
Kittens start to dream when they are more than a week old.
Domestic cats sleep for a maximum of 14 hours, allowing them to store energy.
Thirty percent (30%) of the time cats are awake are spent in grooming themselves.
If you notice that your cat's tail is quivering while beside you, it is just a way of expressing her love and affection.
The eyes of cats are tightly shut whenever they are happy.
Do you ever wonder why mouse-flavored cat food is not available? The reason is cats that tried such food did not like the taste.
Cats are known to clean themselves right after eating. By instinct, they have to get rid of the scent of food in order for predators to avoid smelling and running after them.
Cats have very clear vision at night since their eyes reflect light.
You should be proud when your cat licks you a lot because this shows that she feels protected when you are around and considers you as a family member.
Man should first be ignored by a cat to fully understand how it feels to be rejected.
You can train cats to use the toilet like their litter box, and even flush it once they are finished.
If your cat gifts you with dead prey, do not feel disgusted. Instead, thank her since she considers this as her present to you.
Most cats approach their owners who talk on the phone, and meow as if they want to join the conversation.
Indoor cats have a longer life than outdoor cats.
A cat will not use a dirty litter box, and would rather wait until it is cleaned.
A cat cannot be forced to do something it does not like to.
Cats never stay beside the right side of a closed-door.
There are around 30 muscles in every ear of a cat. Each ear can rotate 180 degrees, and requires 12 muscles to be able to move.
To display their affection, cats usually wrap the curly tip of their tail around their owner's arm.
When a cat is frightened or angry, it will spread out her tail like a bush to appear larger and threatening.
A curious cat will always find a closed-door challenging. That is the reason why your cat likes to accompany you inside your bathroom.

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