My Kittens - An Introduction

I finally got to borrow a camera (I got mine back but I have misplaced the memory card and my financial situation is less than optimal currently) so now I can document the kittens progress. Consider this their introduction post!

Three of them suffer from twisted hind legs which basically means their tendons are shorter than they should be which causes the legs to become twisted. This can be treated in a lot of different ways but stretching the legs several times a day seem to work the best. They all have a long way to go but I am really confident they will be able to walk like normal kittens soon.

Even if they sort of run around on their knees, they are still as active and playful as other kittens.

This is Zearah, she is a lady, which many already would know since she is a calico. She has a very sweet personality but is starting to get more playful every day, also very curious!

This is Dio, he is the shy one. He does not mind being by himself and does not play and run around as much as the others but sometimes he likes to have fun too! He is a bit careful and seems to think things through before he does them. He looks a little sad in this picture and that is because kittens have very sharp claws and sometimes they scratch their sibling's eyes by accident, hence why some of them look a bit teary.

This is Vixen, the charmer. She is the one who likes to be held the most, even if all kittens enjoy it and are used to it (especially the ones with twisted legs, they need stretching after all and therefore are used to being picked up a lot.)

This is Alistair, the only kitten with 'normal' legs. He loves to explore and gets very vocal if he does not get his way (he wants to be out with the adult cats, not in his kitten area!) Even since he was just a few days old he has wanted to explore and sometimes he is a bit too clever for his own good as he seems to find new ways to sneak out for each day.

"Stop scratching my eyes, mean siblings!"

I hope you like the little kittens so far, thanks to the camera I will be able to offer an almost neverending supply of kitten pics!

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