Meet My New Friend "PiPi"

Hi Humans! I'll introduce you with my new friend PiPi today.

At morning I played with my mom's hand as usual and got her some scratch.. My mommy is too good that she never complains about this. At that time I didn't know that I was about to meet my new friend "PiPi"

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My daddy brought her home and I was afraid to him for the first time I saw her.


PiPi wanted to play with me but she was afraid too.


I told her not to afraid of me and gradually we became friends.


We played together and it was fun.

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After playing for a while we got tired and we slept together. And yes, PiPi loves to cuddle.

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Now we woke up and we're hungry. So, bye for now, and if you want to give both of us treat then you can upvote this post and my daddy will give us treat on behalf of you :) See you later :)

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