Lilo Learning To Play Piano! - Daily Blog

It was a big day for me today! I have done so many things. Firstly I learned to pose like a pro and daddy took this photo!


After daddy went to take shower, I tried to take a selfie of myself. And this is my first selfie :)


Me and mommy watched a movie. It was a horror one so I sit beside her. I don't understand why humans likes horror movie. I found it disgusting!


When daddy came back from office, he took me and played piano. It was so nice. I wanted to learn to play it too.


So my daddy taught me how to play piano. It was hard. But I will learn it soon. Because daddy promised me that one day I can also play piano like him.


I became so tired after playing piano for few minutes.

So, I slept.

And now I woke up for you because I have to show my daily activities to you! By the way, I'm hungry now, going to eat my dinner. And if you would like to treat me then you can upvote this post and daddy will give me a treat from you. :)

Till then good night and have a nice day also :) Bye Bye For Now :)

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