That time I fell in love with a ball of fur

Warning: Crazy cat lady is coming out tonight.


Sometimes, I just can't get over how lucky I am that I found my kitty. I decided to adopt a cat in my fourth year of university after coming home from classes to my little apartment in physical pain from how lonely I was. I didn't even know if I liked cats, and I cringed at the idea of their little claws kneading through my clothes, but I knew I was definitely not a dog person. I started researching, and scrolling through the pictures of pets at nearby shelters. The very first picture I came to was Sunday. She was scrawny and multi-coloured and staring at the camera like she wasn't sure if it would eat her or if she would eat it. My heart leapt. "She's the one!" It shouted. But I wanted to be very sure about this, so I checked out all the cats from three different shelters before I cautiously messaged the first shelter about that first kitten.

(Sunday at 5 months. Isn't she a heart breaker?!)

She was named Sunday at the shelter because that was the day they took her in. I almost renamed her, but it turns out Sunday is the most perfect name for her. All the way home, she kept sticking her tiny paw out of the carrier door to touch my hand, with a nearly inaudible meow.

Our first night together, I had a paper to write. I settled in for a long night, while she settled herself on the green velvet armchair across the room. I could feel her stare boring into me. She refused to sleep. That tiny kitten meant to take my measure that night, sleep be hanged. In the morning, I woke to find her curled around my neck, purring like a little steam engine.


We've been in love ever since. She's 7 years old now, and she has never kneaded through my clothes. She comforts me when I'm sad--and sometimes just when I play a video with someone crying in it. She communicates with remarkable clarity. Once, when we were stranded at an airport overnight, and we finally got our hotel vouchers, she actually mimed to me that she needed a litter box. It was quite shocking. She even plays pranks on me! Jumping out to scare me is her favourite. You may never have seen a cat laugh, but trust me, she thinks that's hilarious.


So to conclude this sentimental piece, I present the inspiration: "How do cats choose their favorite person?" by Reyna Abraham, complete with ADORABLE pictures. Read this; it will give you the warm fuzzies! :)

If we all had purring cats at the foot of our beds, I think there would surely be a lot less anger in the world.

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