Kitty Kat Rescue!

So, I finish work just like any other day, get in my car to drive home.... stuck in hardcore peak hour traffic as per Sydney norm. My general route home is the M5, not far from Mascot in Sydney.

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Anyway, so I'm on my way heading back out west, passing through the first tunnel, the second tunnel.. as I approach the third tunnel (the longest one in the middle of nowhere basically), I'm driving through at crawling pace in the far left lane, (coincidence? God knows), then all of the sudden right on the far left lane I see what looks like a drunk dirty rat crawling on the side of the road. At first it was hard to make out, but as I got closer, I got a clear view.

It was a baby kitten all on its own. Probably no more that 3-4 weeks old. It was in such a daze the poor thing. My instincts kicked in, I immediately put on the hazard lights to the drivers behind and halted my car to an immediate stop, handbrake on! I got out and quickly rushed over to this frightened little furry creature that had either been dumped or honestly....I have no idea how it got there, but I definitely couldn't leave it there. So before he got too frightened and ran away, I scooped him up into my hand and into my arms, he was so tiny! (only fitted in one hand). I quickly rushed to get back into my car and thanked the drivers behind for their patience. I had to keep moving obviously so, I quickly put him on the passenger seat beside me and continued my drive home. I turned over to check on him, and he was gone! I really freaked out then, because he was so tiny! where did he go? I eventually pulled over into a petrol station and started looking for him. Turned out, he had climbed behind the glove box and was hiding, so it was only when i opened it up and looked right behind there that he had somehow crawled in there and was keeping warm. I was nervous because i didn't know if he was half dead or just really hungry because it was dark and i couldnt see very well, but i knew that he had little to no energy, his mouth looked scuffed and his head was a little injured but not too badly.

So when we finally got home, I took him straight to the bathroom to give him a wash. He was a little fidgety, but was willing to cooperate. Once I dried him off and gave him some food and milk and he got some rest, he was a lot better. I guess once he got some nutrients into his system, he was quick to regain his full strength and self again. The look I got to experience from this kitten after everything was just this gaze of appreciation, made my heat melt.

He is such a lovely little kitten with a great personality! He is well loved and cared for now and is happy and healthy, we named him KittyKat, (though he has so many nicknames when he is naughty haha!)

This isn't the first time this has happened to me, in fact just before this little guy I also came across a quail that was running across a major road onto the highway that got knocked by the side of a car - It was an Australian Native species, so we took it to the City Zoo and was later set free in a much safer place. We also came across a budgie taking a stroll in a park and looked after her for a decent amount of time until she sadly died. I think she had a heart attack, her name was Ori - she also had a great personality.
I've pulled over to get turtles off the road how many times! XD and boy do they smell bad... haha! I once saved a ferret that somehow found itself in my pool yard. There were many more cats :)
I always wonder if it's just coincidence that we find ourselves in a situation where we have the opportunity to help a creature in need. Or if God/Universe is there watching us to test our hearts?
What do you think??
Have you ever been in this situation? Please share your story in the comments below! :) xo ~peace

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