Why did I create _____ and YHWH tokens? Because the Catholic Church is creating e-rosary bluetooth prayer beads to help young cathoplics pray and the Pope says internet is a "Gift from God"

The catholic church is creating new tools to allow young people to get paid to pray, using wifi bluetooth rosary beads with prayer apps, the pope joining instagram and even 3d printed helmets for the Swiss Guard at the Vatican to show the world what direction they are trying to take.


Now as someone who grew up with a catholic Family but never getting baptized, I see a great opportunity to become one of the first Catholics baptised on chain, and i think this is the perfect sort of thing that the Blockchain can be used for where very little risk to finance or businesses can happen, and it's all fun and games, or is it? Your soul may be seen as the ultimate smart contract one day.

So I created the SOUL token for @soulcontract and @soulbank


And I created A____ and YHWh coins

(A___AToken will be removed from front end to respect users wishes and keys assigned to a council of peoples who were affected by the incident in steemoneos, which i apologize for and meant no disrespect)

If we can create a Smart Soul Contract for the Dalai Lama and Mahayana Buddhist monasteries they could use the blockchain to verify Re-incarnation :)

Don't believe in reincarnation? Well the atheist Communist Party of China does, they even made a law that says the Dhalla Lamma cannot reincarnate without express permission from the CHinese COmmunist Party

So its like they are hedging their bets, like an atheist saying his prayers JUSt in case!

if anyone would like to help me with ALLAh and YHWH tokens, let me know! Id like to represent all major religions with tokens, blockchains and TELOS. I plan on creating a new church system with @steemchurch if they will have me , to create a MegaChurch network, decentralized, to allow all megachurch donations go to charities so anyone can verify on chain

With Blockchain we can take so much corruption out of the Mega Church circuits in the USA and around the world! BILLIONS can go towards the actual causes they were intended for.


Look at all of these headlines, its like the Catholic Church is screaming to get on the blockchain and TELOS is what it will choose.

If you want to help me create the new catholic blockchain on Steem EOS and Telos, help me find a good name for the token, and I will choose a max supply of 10 billion to allow for an airdrop of 1 to every catholic. You will get paid in tokens for praying, how will we actually count the prayers? Well, its the "thought" that counts ;) If you go through the effort to "fake" catholic prayers.... you sort of did them ..

I feel we can use @actifit and @challengedac to help people get paid to pray! Imagine a halal Sharia Compliant chain for 1 billion Muslim people who can get rewarded to visit the HAJ in Mecca. Catholic orthodox and Jewish pilgrims can get rewarded to post their pilgrimages in Israel and Jerusalem. We may even be able to fork challengedac and create the prayer dapp, to allow churches to pay users to attend church! We may just use the regular challengedac to allow Churches to pay their congregations in cryptocurrency which can then be used to help pay students in other countries to go to school and attend church!

if youd like to help me, please come to the Infowars DIscord! https://discord.gg/jMrR88E

or come discuss Sharia COmpliant Blockchains and cryptocurrencies for the Catholic Church, come to telos Telegram to discuss these lofty big ideas! https://t.me/hellotelos

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