Stress .. What fluffing stress ...

Hello Hello Hivians

It is Sunday afternoon, they weekend has flown by.

However, it has been a fluffing belter and something happened yesterday which was the ideal way to describe what I think about stress, and how to combat it etc...

Actually, there is a prompt in this community the Ecency Support community ...

Each week on Talk Time with Tengo I mention the writing prompt from @ecency-star so thought I should really enter one!

This then is my response to [Writing Contest] My stress relief secret

Prevention is the name of the game

Have you heard of W.H. Heinrich?

No ...

Well, In 1931 he developed the so-called domino theory.

You may have heard about the 2% or Acts of God...

and this is where it comes from ...

88% of all accidents are caused by unsafe acts of people, 10% by unsafe actions and 2% by “acts of God”

So almost all accidents are preventable...

If you prevent something from happening then there is no requirement to deal with the affect of it, because it never happened.

My father and I are alike in many ways.

Except when it comes to dealing with stress or more accurately getting stressed.

He would get stressed and he had a heart attack at 50, he survived but it was a warning!

Me, well after graduation my employer at my first performance review said If I was any more laid back then I would be horizontal!

Back to stress, the best way to deal with stress is to not be stressed!

In many ways we are what we attract, we get what we put into the Universe.

If we worry about things, then things will happen to worry about, and you will worry and get stressed and worry and get stressed and the vicious cycle continues.

Remove negative things from your life, drama that is negative you know, so get it to the dustbin.

Just remember no matter how shitty your day, how shitty you think your life is, there is someone who is having a shittier day, there is someone who is having a shittier life, in fact there is someone as I write and you read this, that has passed away. So stress less, have fun more.

I remember in Africa surviving two plane crashes, getting lost in the fluffing jungle and being shot at by drunk anti-government soldiers.

I grant you that was a wee bit stressful, but they were experiences. We learn from them.

Okay there is one thing that I would get wound up with. That was football, but only when my Rangers played them, them being the enemy Celtic.

IF we lost I would get stressed, but now I don't as much. We win, they win, we win and so the cycle goes on.

delete ai hooligans.jpg

You won't win everything and you won't lose everything!

They have beaten us all season, but then yesterday we wiped them off the pitch and won 3-0!

If you are stressed or a bit anxious then do what I tell everyone to do.

Take nice deep breaths and count to 10 and release that stress!


Thanks for visiting and have a great weekend!


All images and ramblings are from me the mad Scotsman TengoLoTodo unless indicated otherwise.


Haste Ye Back!

@tengolotodo 14/5/2023

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