Meet My Furbabies

Over the years, I've always had felines in my life. In the last year, I've dwindled from 4 down to 2.

My current boys come with heavy stories. Mr Pudgey (I didn't name him) was a package deal with his litter-mate and sister, Tiny. Their original "owners" (I dislike that term) we moving to Australia and couldn't take them, and were almost at the end of their rope because no one would take them together. We've been sharing a space for 8 years now. #Gingers together forever! Sadly, on December 14th, 2017, little Miss Tiny mysteriously choked on her kibble and passed within 15 minutes, leaving me shattered and devastated. Her brother also mysteriously developed stress-induced hypo-thyroidism. It's been a long, bumpy, and expensive road trying to get back to "normal". To date, he's on meds and gets more cuddles than he knows what to do with...but still cries for more ;)

My little Shai Shai is a year-and-a-half and was feral when we found each other. He's a pure Russian Blue, unbeknownst to me at the time. He came to me at 4 months, and was at the tail end of bottle feeding. I named him Shai Shai because that is the name of the Egyptian god of fate and destiny, because it was truly a miracle how we found each other. A friend of mine was driving down one of our provincial roads late at night and found some cats who had met their demise (due to car accident). Of course, she scooped up the lone surviving kitten and made sure not to leave anyone else behind. She then posted (on FB) that she found this kitten on the side of the road and that she couldn't keep it because she had 2 Great Danes at her I stepped in and became the resident kitty-momma.

So here we go. I don't have children (only 2 in the spirit world) so they get all my attention, whether or not they like it ;) (jk, I'm super respectful of their space)


EDIT: Little Shai is also my Emotional Support Animal







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