Spirit Dreams and Spirit Guides


This wonderful, inspired creature is Sy.

Sy is a play on words- he entered my life through a dream, a psy creature if you will. Since then he has helped me learn to breathe, to breathe deep and to breathe calm. He is a creature of light and a creature of wildness. He is my brother, my guide and my teacher. He came to me I believe in the summer of 2013, not long after I'd moved in to my first consciously created community living space. As mentioned, he came in a dream which I'll share some key points from.
In this dream, I found myself at a friends place. They were moving (both in the dream and waking life) and had offered any of their plants to anyone who wanted. I did and so had asked to come pick some spider plants and chives for my house and yard. I receive the plants and this little old lady says "here, let me help you with those," and she packs them up for me. At the same time, this absolutely beautiful furry white haired cat comes purring around and she says "Oh, let me help you with your cat too." I'm about to say that it's not my cat, but I stop and allow her to bring me the cat. I wake up.
About a month later I receive a phone call from a woman saying that a mother cat has just escaped a live trap on her back porch, has brought three kittens to the porch and run back into the woods. As she describes the cats I realize that the wild one, the furry white haired runt of the litter, is my dream cat! And so I quickly say "Yes! I will take the runt!"
Living in a community home, I now need to get the ok from my roommates to bring the cat home (I often do these things backwards like this :P) So I start talking with them. The one who is most definitely a no to having a cat in the house is sitting with me on our back porch when I bring this up. As she is saying she doesn't want one, I nudge a box with my toe and lo and behold, 5 mice run out of it! She immediately changes her mind and says, "well, if it's for maintenance and keeping the house free of mice, I'm fine with that."
! I have Sy, my spirit cat, kinship for me and my then 3 year old! Someone to be with when my wee one is at his moms and I feel so alone.
this picture is of Sy today, in my roommates room, in all his glory. I am so bleassed to be paired with this beautiful creature and one day will share some of the lessons I've learned from him with you, my readers.
In the meantime, remember that the creatures in this world are all your brothers and sisters, and we are always in relationship. So give love, give compassion, and enjoy!

All my love,

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