Les presento a mi bello hijo <3 [ES, EN]


Bueno, el es Rexxar mi bello gato. tiene con nosotros aproximadamente desde finales de octubre del año 2017. como llego a nuestras vidas es toda una historia, fue pura casualidad. lo ibamos a dar en adopcion pero al final pudimos, o mejor dicho, nos dejaron quedárnoslo. Desde ese momento a sido el gato mas consentido. tiene todo tipo de juguetes y accesorios. Nos hace muy felices y esperamos que el tambien lo sea.
El pertenecia a una camada de 3 gatitos, dos hembras y el. Estaban con su mamá, en un terreno baldio al lado del edificio donde vivimos. pude agarrar dos de ellos, pero la tercera nunca se dejo (a las semanas nos enteramos que un carro la mato :'( ). A su otra hermanita la di en adopcion a una chica muy dulce, y bueno Rexxar tambien lo ibamos a dar en adopcion, pero al final aqui esta con nosotros alegrandonos todos los dias <3. // Well, he's Rexxar my beautiful cat. He has been with us since the end of October of 2017. As he came to our lives, it is a whole story, it was pure chance. we were going to give it in adoption but in the end we could, or rather, they let us keep it. From that moment on he has been the most spoiled cat. It has all kinds of toys and accessories. It makes us very happy and we hope that it will be too.
He belonged to a litter of 3 kittens, two females and the. They were with their mother, in a vacant lot next to the building where we lived. I was able to grab two of them, but the third never left (the weeks we found out that a car killed her: '(). I gave her another little sister in adoption to a very sweet girl, and well, we would also give Rexxar in adoption, but in the end here is with us cheering us every day <3

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