Siamese cats - the nature and characteristics of the breed

Siamese cats - the nature and characteristics of the breed
Presumably, Siamese cats appeared on the territory of the Siamese kingdom (the ancient name of Thailand) 600 years ago. Historical finds confirmed that this breed has spread due to the Great Silk Road, however, disputes about the country of origin are still being debated.

Records of contemporaries and travelers of the time say that the inhabitants of ancient Siam worshiped this breed and it was considered sacred. Moreover, the popular legend says that Siamese princesses trusted the protection of their jewelry to these cats. In the 1850s, the King of Siam sent several cats to the royal families of Europe, and they made a real sensation. Since then, to this day, the Siamese cat, being the most intelligent and devoted, causes pride of its owners.
If you want to have a Siamese cat, prepare for the fact that she is jealous and will follow you everywhere. In general, Siamese cats are not ready to share their master with other animals and are inclined to show aggression towards them. Accordingly, do not start this breed, if you already have pets.

They are very curious and they always need to know what its owner is doing and constantly watching what is happening in the house. There are cases when Siamese cats tried to protect their masters, especially from fire and water. This breed is one of the few that can be trained and can be taught to various tricks.

Unlike other thoroughbred cats, Siamese cats are very affectionate and playful; they are sociable and she always waits for her to talk with her heart. It should not be started if you are not ready to pay much attention to it. Moreover, this breed differs cleanliness - they are perfectly accustomed to the tray. Also, in view of the fact that they are short-haired, care is not difficult.

In general, this breed has good health and a high life expectancy - under good conditions live up to 20 years. Nevertheless, there are diseases inherent in this breed. Basically, these are liver diseases leading to hepatic insufficiency. There is also cardiomyopathy - a disease that causes the expansion of the tissues and muscles of the heart. Unfortunately, Siamese cats are predisposed to breast cancer, but this problem is effectively prevented by timely sterilization up to a year-old age. To a lesser degree, they are prone to tooth decay and the appearance of tartar and occasionally to cat-eyed squint.

Siamese cats are very selective in food - they will not eat until you offer something more appetizing. In general, Siamese cats need to be fed with low-fat beef or turkey without prior preparation. It is enough to freeze the meat for several hours before consumption. It is not recommended to give cereals and fish food - they cause allergy and diarrhea, and in more serious cases - swelling of the respiratory tract.

In any case, if you want to start as pets and are sure that you can give it due care and attention - be sure - these cats will thank you with their devotion and boundless love.

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