Salvando una vida gatuna// saving a cat life

Hace unos meses la gata de mis hermanos se embarazo y ayer empezó su labor de parto, mientras yo dormía. Me levanté con los gritos de mi mamá y mi hermano "Camí la gata está pariendo en la cama. Qué hacemos?" Éra el primer parto gatuno que presenciabamos y a su vez el de la gata. Ella se encontraba muy nerviosa por el alboroto que estaban causando y empezó a saltar de un lado a otro empapando todo con sangre mientras daba a luz.
Ella tenía su cama pero se sentía más cómoda durmiendo con mi hermano, además a medida que su embarazo avanzaba su cama le iba quedando pequeña, habiamos acondicionado un cajón de frutas pero lamentablemente mi familia es irresponsable y nunca se la terminaron; así que me apresure a acondicionarle el cajón, acomodarla ahí e intentar calmarla, para esto su bebé ya se había perdido bajo la cama así que lo busque y lo acomode junto a ella.
No queríamos dejarla sola por su nerviosismo pero teníamos que irnos a comer así que no quedo otra. Cuando volvimos ya habían pasado aproximadamente 3 horas y no había seguido su parto, también descubrimos que decidió mudarse con su gatito a un mueble que era más acogedor. Seguía a mi hermano a todos lados por lo que nos dimos cuenta que quería que el la acompañe, busco un colchón y se acostó a su lado, contenta al fin la gata siguió su labor de parto pero la placenta quedó atascada y ella sentía mucho dolor por lo que mi marido decidió ayudarla abriendo un poco la placenta y así logro salir un muy morado gatito a rayas blancas y negras.
Tuvo los próximos dos gatitos con normalidad y super rápido, pensamos que

eso había sido todo así que la dejamos tranquila, pero más tarde comenzó de nuevo con contracciones, acá fue donde se complicó todo, la mayor parte del cuerpo del gatito había salido pero lamentablemente se rompió su placenta y el conducto se cerró por lo que quedó atascada su cabecita.
Algo que resbale, pensé, aceite, manteca.
Vaselina grito Agustín, rápidamente le dije a mi hermano donde estaba y el la trajo, unte mis dedos y recordé que hacer con un nacimiento así, comencé a girar el cuerpo del gatito, mi marido me apresuraba diciendo que si no sale, ella muere y si no, el queda sin aire. la gata sentía mucho dolor, se estaba poniendo hostil, el bebé no salía, juraba sentir sus órganos en mis dedos, sentía sus pequeñas y frágiles costillas resbalar rápidamente por mis manos, no me quedo opción, más que apretar con fuerza y al fin salió, no sé movia, no respiraba, me apresure a pensar que había muerto por la fuerza con la que tuve que agarrar su delicado cuerpo, Agustín comenzó a apretarle suavemente su pecho, el gato tosió, casi sin fuerza. Lo agarre y comencé a apretar entre sus bracitos y entre sus costillas, por encima de su panza. Su garganta y nariz se habían llenado de mucosidad. Algo para succionar pensé, y
casi como si me leyera el pensamiento Agustín grito "una jeringa" y mi hermano la busco, pero no sirvió de mucho. Por suerte encontramos una manguera lo suficientemente pequeña para que entre en su boca, y comenzamos: Marcos succionaba el moco que le impedía respirar y le enviaba aire a sus pulmones, el gato tosia, más bien intentaba expulsar lo que le molestaba, lo pusimos frente al calefactor, hicimos aproximadamente media hora de RCP sin rendirnos, y logramos sus primeros movimientos, sus primeras respiraciones continuas, sus primeros maullidos, y así, salvamos una vida gatuna.

English traduction
A few months ago the cat of my brothers got pregnant and yesterday began her labor while I slept. I got up with the screams of my mom and my brother "Cami the cat is giving birth in bed. What do we do?" It was the first cat birth we witnessed and in turn the cat's. She was very nervous about the uproar they were causing and began to jump from side to side soaking everything in blood while giving birth.
She had her bed but she felt more comfortable sleeping with my brother, and as her pregnancy progressed her bed was getting small, we had conditioned a fruit box but unfortunately my family is irresponsible and they never finished it; so I hurried to condition the drawer, accommodate it there and try to calm it down, for this your baby had already got lost under the bed so I looked for him and accommodated him next to her.
We didn't want to leave her alone because of her nervousness but we had to go. When we returned about 3 hours had passed and she had not followed his birth, we also discovered that she decided to move with her kitten to a piece of furniture that was more cozy. she following my brother everywhere so we realized that she wanted his company , he look for a mattress and lay down next to her, happy at last the cat continued her labor but the placenta got stuck and she felt a lot of pain So my husband decided to help her by opening the placenta a little and so I managed to get a very purple kitten with black and white stripes.
she had the next two kittens normally and super fast, we thought that
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That had been everything so we left her alone, but later she started again with contractions, this is where everything got complicated, most of the kitten's body had come out but unfortunately her placenta was broken and the duct was closed so it was stuck his head .
Something that slips, I thought, oil, butter.
Vaseline scream Augustin, I quickly told my brother where it was and he brought it, i smeared my fingers and remembered what to do with such a birth, I started to turn the kitty's body, my husband rushed me saying that if he doesn't come out, she dies and if not, he runs out of air. the cat felt a lot of pain, she was becoming hostile, the baby did not come out, i swore to feel her organs in my fingers, i felt her small and fragile ribs slide quickly through my hands, I am not left with a choice that, squeeze hard and finally came out, he don't move, he wasn't breathing, I hurried to think that he had died by force with which I had to grab his delicate body, Augustin began to gently squeeze his chest, the cat coughed, almost without force. I grabbed him and began to squeeze between his little arms and between his ribs, over his belly. His throat and nose had filled with mucus. Something to suck I thought, and
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Almost as if he was reading my thought, Agustin shouted "a syringe" and my brother looked for it, but it didn't help much. Luckily we found a hose small enough to fit into his mouth, and we began: Marcos sucked the mucus that prevented him from breathing and sent air to his lungs, the cough cat, rather trying to expel what bothered him, we put him in front To the heater, we did approximately half an hour of CPR without giving up, and we achieved his first movements, his first continuous breaths, his first meows, and thus, we saved a cat life.

Hope you like!.

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