Welcome To The Cashback World!


Cashback is a community / company / platform / network / app which gives you an opportunity to get some of the money back, that you would usually anyway spend in different shops or on different services!

With Cashback you can save some money but even earn some through passive income!

Cashback is quite new to me too! I'd been using it only for the last 8-9 months but rarely. I still didn't get any payout cause I haven't been using it too often. I haven't been buying products & services from companies who are members of the Cashback community so I didn't even managed to get any cash back yet. I didn't really cared about the app but now I've decided to give it a try a bit harder & more focused, just to see what will be the results & how much cash can I really get back!

Till now, I've been paying gas, tobacco, cigarette paper & sometimes beers in the gas station "Adria Oil" in Croatia - that's like 3-4 times a month or less.

Now I'm gonna use it in supermarkets, which are partners, & other firms & companies who give this opportunity.

Apparently, businesses who give the cash-back, give back 1 - 30 % of the price back, depending of the business policy of each of the partners.


Buying Goods & Services Via Cashback

You can check in the Cashback app on your phone which stores are members of the community by searching in the search engine or on the map.

When you come to pay your bill in a store / restaurant / gas station... you just need to politely ask that they scan your virtual Cashback card in the app on you phone before printing the bill.

There is of course, a possibility to buy online & still get some cash back.

There are also shopping points which you collect from your buys or from the referred buyers. I'm not sure yet what these shopping points serve for, but I suppose that you can get some more discount with those & probably buy e-vouchers with which you can get some more cash back and/or discounts!

Every 10 € you collect in your virtual wallet in the app can be automatically sent to your bank account, if you set it up that way, & you can re-use that money again, or you can turn it into the shopping points or e-vouchers.

Cashback Referral Program

Of course, that these kind of companies offer you a referral program too! & I won't be lying to you - it is kind of a pyramidal scheme but this time, to me, it looks quite clean & fair.

What came to my mind immediately is to find a friend with a well working business who spend big every day. If their suppliers are in Cashback too, those businesses will get bigger amounts of the cash back & if they have joined the platform through your referral link - than you will also get some small percentage of that cash back too - & this might be an opportunity for the passive income!

So, if this sounds good to you, please use my link to register: https://cbw.to/5qwe9f or just click on the photo below:

Apparently, in the next year, around 100 countries worldwide will approve Cashback so the platform will only grow for a while & no is the right time to hop the train!

More Info & Instructions:

On the following link: https://www.mastersofcashback.com/steps-after-presentation you can find a whole lot of more detailed information about Cashback platform in 3 different languages: English, Slovenian & Croatian.

(The video instructions are not made by me but by the people behind the "Masters Of Cashback".)

It's free to join!

All the photos in this article I have found & downloaded from the web but the text is completely mine.

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