Self Driving Cars


It is evident that the technology of the autonomous cars is becoming a reality in the dynamic world. It is, however, evident that some humans are skeptical in entrusting their entire lives in the automated operations of these vehicles which do not arguably require the human factor. The achievement of this technology has been embraced with a critical emphasis, and the government is very keen on securing the future of the autonomous cars.
The economic investment of the USA government in this sort of automation has been enormous with the assertion that every sector of the economy must embrace digital development. Despite the fact that this technology has been embraced significantly, people are still yet to trust the autonomous car system which does not regard the role of the human factor.
There is evidence that the automated system has reached a point whereby a car can drive itself around a track or a quiet road with ease. It is, however, worth noting that these cars are not yet in a position to cope with a busy and confusing environments such as those in busy cities and hence the role of the human factor are required in control (Merat & Lee, 2014). It is evident that it has not been possible to integrate all the systems of these cars to
operate in a chaotic environment and due to this, humans are required to take control. Critics have presented the assertion that there is a need for artificial intelligence in these cars but before this sort of system is developed, then the human factor and control should be emphasized on for effective operation of these cars.
The human factor should also be embraced in cases of emergencies. It is evident that the hands off the vision of the autopilot for the driverless cars are deficient of aspects of concern to the awareness of the driver (Walker, 2011). The automation of these cars might apparently prompt the drivers to enjoy free rides and also without focusing on the technicalities of these vehicles. This can be viewed as an aspect of negligence and hence avert emergencies will be a challenge.
Research has shown that drivers of the automated cars do not easily recover from emergencies and they also fail to intervene in cases the operations of these cars become faulty (Walker, 2011). In some cases, the drivers find themselves in an automation confusion and hence enough training should be accorded to them for sensitivity, awareness, and control. As evident, this sort of technology might revolutionize the transport system, but it is still vivid that drivers are responsible for their security and that of other road users

Aged drivers for the automated vehicles are prone to causing accidents, and due to this, they require notifications about the operations of these vehicles and also about the environment they are in. It is my conviction that the use of the Distronic Plus system as that used in the Mercedes-Benz will be useful in according notifications to the elderly drivers. The utilization of this system has been very effective in Mercedes-Benz, and it offers a new breakthrough by making accidents less severe, less damaging and even less likely (Meinel, 2014). There is an assertion that this system works in a way that it was not anticipated. As evident, this system is based on Norman's seven principles since it is based on knowledge of operations of these cars, it simplifies their operations, makes operations visible through mapping, exploits the power of the vehicles and it is also used in offering standard protective mechanisms.
The operation of this system is based on radar sensors that scan nearby traffic for either stopped or slowing vehicles. In cases whereby the system senses an imminent collision, then the pre- safe break feature develops an automatic braking power of almost 40 percent. The driver may then brake, and consequently, an average of 100 percent of braking pressure is exerted instantly (Breuer, 2007). In some cases, the driver might not respond, and hence the system is prompted to apply its braking in an attempt to reduce the gravity or the intensity of a collision. As evident, the operation of this system is efficient, and hence it is appropriate for old drivers of the automated or the driverless cars.

The acceptance of this system is determined by aspects such as; its ability to prevent accidents, detect traffic and enhance drivers' attention (Bloecher et al., 2009). This system has already been tested in Mercedes-Benz, and its ability to reduce material damage and avoid accidents in junctions is paramount. There is also an assertion that this system reduces personal injuries and hence it can be used in the driverless cars for both passenger and driver protection. The ability of this system to boost brake pressure for effective emergency braking should also be considered.
Secondly, the ability of this system for active lane keeping should also be emphasized on. The system aids vehicles in recognizing critical situation such as cars in parallel traffic, overtaking vehicles and broken lines. This is an essential aspect which can assist drivers in avoiding incoming traffic. Lastly, the ability of this system to efficiently detect the attention of drivers should also be focused on. From the context of the Mercedes-Benz, there is a hint that the system is capable of detecting signs of drowsiness and inattentiveness and hence signals the driver to take the necessary precautions in the avoidance of accidents

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