The story behind this wrecked Lamborghini.


I was at my friend's shop today to check out my car when I saw this wrecked Lamborghini sitting outside. I asked my friend what happened to the car and he just started shaking his head. This is a brand new Lamborghini that a prospective buyer was test driving. The guy apparently hit the throttle too hard and lost control while driving through downtown. He ran directly into a pole and over a newspaper dispenser. I am sure he had a large audience to witness his unfortunate attempt to be a stunt driver. I did check the driver's seat for brown stains and to my surprise didn't see any. The car was deemed a total loss due to the VIN plate in the floorboard bring destroyed. I just wanted to share this with everyone in case you drive a vehicle with alot of horsepower. No matter how great of a driver you are these cars can easily get away from you. If you want to test out the power be sure you are in a safe area away from other people. Have a great day guys!!

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