Chronicles of Alan : Cars- Volkswagen Beetle's 3

Videos Courtesy of YouTube

Following on to my last Beetle Post:-

I used to see off most cars from Robots , but funnily enough never a Ford Capri. I had the misfortune to challenge one at a Traffic Light in Goldman street in Florida.

My first rapidly dwindling rear view of a Ford Perana Capri V8 Coupe , locally done by Basil Green!

My Beetle ran reversed VW Kombi rims on the rear with 185x 15 Michelin X tyres and reversed standard rims with Michelin X 155 x 15 on the front . Incredible Grip in the Dry ( won't say anything about the wet). This would give you a much wider track ( better handling)

Any way I decided I would try another Motor in it . My Dad had an old, huge ,1914 Metal Lathe here ( still here BTW.)

I took the base of a lamp and turned it to make an adapter plate for a Ford 3 litre V6 or V4 Motor .

Took a Kombi Flywheel , turned out the centre , did likewise on a Ford Flywheel , and welded the 2 together. ( obviously balanced and lightened it!)

Used Chassis Cutters for Valve Amplifiers to Put holes in the front of the Bonnet, ( Chris did this)Fitted Radiator in the spare wheel compartment, Spare wheel on top of the Fuel Tank. Electric Fan in front of the Radiator.

Ran piping under the running Boards to the rear.

Cut away the rear , under the Bonnet between the Mudguards, the weight of the all cast - iron V6 had it nearly on the Ground, decided to use the V4 instead ( very bad move in retrospect)

Used the Bumper Stays to mount the rear engine mounts, made my own branch and adapted the VW accelerator cable to work.

My youngest Brother, Mike had acquired a light Blue Beetle, and really wanted my Motor , so we gave it a quick Hone, New Rings and a Valve Grind Job, and , if anything, went even better in his car!

About the very bad move I mentioned earlier . Fords V4's had a separate Balance Shaft next to the Crankshaft , but even that was not enough , the standard flywheel was off balance to get the motor right!

Here comes smart Alan, with a perfectly balanced flywheel , which meant the motor always had a rumble to it( should have kept the 6!)

It did go very well, and had fun with Filling Stations, asking them to check the water!

So , i never kept it very long, sold the motor , and swapped the body for an early Citroen, with the desire to use a Buick V8 in it!

You, my discerning audience , will have noticed that I put in some videos that have absolutely nothing to do with this particular Post?, however, I enjoyed them, so i thought you would!

I have still more experiences with Beetles I will recount to you!


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