🎡Fun At The County Fair🎢 (🎠Videos and Pictures🎠) <Part 1>

Every year, we have a fair here in Putnam County. The carnival people come, the rodeo folk show, they even have tractor pulls, demolition derbies and monster trucks show up. This was the first year I have taken the girls, they're still fairly young and can't go on all the rides, but the fun factor is still there. And...that's what this was all about. Fun for the kiddos. Sharing our experience with these photos and videos, some I will explain, some already have a thousand words written on them. I hope you enjoy them as much as I did being there.

Now, It took a few rides and me riding with her before Khaldessi (2) wasn't scared anymore and started having an absolute blast. Luna (4) on the other hand, she wanted to ride everything. No fear and fun factor was up to 💯. So these first few...you may notice the younger sister not having a whole lot of fun yet...

These next few, Khaldeesi wanted a break so I took Luna on a ride that was a little more her speed...

Us inside the barrel

Looking out from within

🎠The carousel.🎠 This was when Khaldeesi finally trusted the rides and opened up her daredevil side because when it comes right down to it, she is more adventurous than Luna. She has jumped out of trees into my arms and waded into water far above her head.

These next ones were taken from part of the 🐖ranch🐎 and 🐺wildlife🐆 exhibit. They got to ride horses🐎 (ponies), could have ridden a camel🐪, but they were both pretty apprehensive to its size lol!

This frign goat actually ate Khaldeesi's cup!

Click here for Part 2

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