Day 74- Redefining and Living Careless

Cross-posted from Day 74- Redefining and Living Careless


Self-Allocation Point

I have within my life assigned a positive energetic charge to this word. This goes along with my Loser Character, where I thought it was cool to appear as if I didn’t ‘Care’. Thus, I would not brush my hair, for instance. Or, I would deliberately dress ‘messy’ to appear as if I didn’t care. I wouldn’t clean my room because I believed it didn’t matter and therefore I did not Care. When others around me have used alcohol, I’ve participated because I ‘didn’t care’.

Dictionary Definition

  1. a: free from care: UNTROUBLED

  2. not taking care

  3. not showing or receiving care
    c: obsolete: UNVALUED, DISREGARDED

Sounding of the Word

Care: To give a shit about something, to give proper attention to, to treat as I would like to be treated
Less: Less than the potential, lacking

Investigating the word

I have associated a positive polarity to the word Careless as I believed it to be cool to resist what was here as the “systems that be”. I would deliberately seek to make it look as if I didn’t care about the things I was ‘expected’ to, so I could be seen as more-than or separate-from reality. I cultivated this careless character in my dress, behavior, and preferences for music.

My definition was similar to the dictionary definition, except I hadn’t considered that being careless was ‘unstudied’ as it’s really a common sense way of going about the world to care for yourself, your loved ones, and the things in your reality.

Within the sound I see the word care, which I define as to treat something as you would like to be treated, if you were that thing, and the word less, which I define as less than the potential of something.

I can see that the obsolete definition of this word used to describe the object which was receiving less than the optimal amount of care. Thus, back in the day, for example, personal hygiene could have been described as careless because it wasn’t valued or regarded. But, generally, the definition can take on two definitions: either, untroubled, or negligent. I imagine someone skipping through a meadow, unbothered by the world’s troubles as the first definition. In the second case, the more common usage I’ve come across, it’s more of a negative state, where someone is negligent in their responsibility to care for something in their reality.

Creative Phase

Careless is being free from worry because one has taken responsibility for all the things in their world which require care.
Careless is a Loser Character which pretends like they don’t care about the world but really haven’t gained financial stability within and as it.
Careless is pretending like you don’t have responsibilities
Careless is the feeling of having taken care of your responsibilities and having time to ‘play’.
Careless is neglecting to treat something like I would like to be treated
Careless is caring less than what’s required to give optimal attention to something
Careless is exerting less than the optimal effort to ensure you and the thing you are interacting with reach their highest potential.

I am having trouble coming up with a final definition of this word, so I have placed it at the forum.

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