Tesla is abusing robotization in Model 3 last get together, investigators say


Bernstein examiners Max Warburton and Toni Sacconaghi contend Elon Musk is abusing computerization, Business Insider reports, and that is the reason Tesla can't scale as quick as it might want.

"Tesla has attempted to hyper-robotize last get together," the report states. "We trust Tesla has been excessively driven with computerization on the Model 3 line. Maybe a couple have seen it (the plant is beyond reach at exhibit), however we know this: Tesla has burned through c.2x what a conventional OEM spends per unit on limit."

Notwithstanding computerizing stamping, paint and welding, the report states, Tesla is likewise attempting to mechanize the last get together process, which involves the genuine position of parts into the autos.

"It discusses two-level last lines with robots mechanizing parts sequencing," the report states. "This is the place Tesla is by all accounts confronting issues (and in addition in welding and battery pack get together)."
The report depicts how robotization is costly and "factually conversely connected to quality." It goes ahead to take note of how if Tesla tries to mechanize 50 percent of the assignments in definite get together, it would just remove around five hours of human work. Warburton and Sacconaghi later compose,

The Prices

However, while all that fascinating capital may enable Tesla to expel 5 laborers, it will then need to procure a talented specialist to oversee, program and keep up robots for $100 60 minutes (our gauge of an automated designers' hourly rate).

So the net work sparing might be just $50 per unit. However putting the robotization into the plant appears to include an evident capital cost that is $4,000 higher per unit of limit than for an ordinary plant. In the event that the item is worked for a long time, that is over US$550 of extra devaluation per unit constructed.
It's difficult to see a monetary case regardless of whether some way or another the Fremont Model 3 line can be made to work. So why precisely has Tesla taken this course? It's misty.

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