I had to get rid of my first car šŸ˜¢

1990 Buick Century, no rust. Tell me the last time you saw one of those. The answer is never. Buick centuryā€™s seen driving down the road are always beat to hell, rusting everywhere from the body and frame to the minute intricacies, and just shaggy as could be. Not my beast. This baby had absolutely zero rust, and was a classically historic vehicle passed down in the family phylogeny. It was my grandfatherā€™s car before it was passed down to my father, and then to me. It had a lot of sentimental value, and it was hard to see it go, but it was time. She was just sitting in the garage collecting dust and taking up space. A wonderful vehicle it was, and we surely got our fair share of usage out of her. Everywhere I went, people knew it was me from a mile or more away. Thatā€™s how uniquely distinguishable this car was in the town Iā€™m from. All my friends always wanted to ride in the ā€˜Buu boyā€™ because it was so old school, and most people hadnā€™t ridden in a vehicle like mine. The Buick will be missed, but the legacy will always live on in the family forever. RIP Buu Boy šŸ™šŸ¼

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