Misogynist chooses profit over deeply held sexist values after discovering Sweden’s 86 % gender pay-gap

Following a comprehensive endeavor into the Swedish national workforce statistics, sexist and greedy capitalist Sven Ohlsson found a massive discount on female labor earlier this year. In an astonishing discovery of market asymmetry, the company CEO uncovered that Swedish women are in fact 14 % cheaper to hire than men. Considering this major difference in price, Sven has now been forced to make significant changes to the way he runs his business.

Ohlsson, who usually only hired men because he was a sexist, now reluctantly only hires women because of profit. “It may be cynical, but as a CEO, I have to maximize profits for my company”, Ohlsson stresses. He says he has come to the realization that, knowing about this incredible discounted price on female workers, he has no other option but to hire only women at this point.

Furthermore, as long as men remain so much more expensive, the entrepreneur argues, he could never be able to rationally defend hiring a man in front of the company’s board and shareholders. ”As a misogynist, I would love to have hired men only, but the company shareholders are capitalists, and I am a capitalist, and nothing is ever more important than money”, Ohlsson concludes, saying he would simply have gotten fired had he unnecessarily hired the people who demanded the highest wage. He adds: ”It saddens me deeply, but I have come to realize that my sexist idealism is simply too inefficient to be sustained”.

The Gothenburg-born 38-year-old fears that several employers now will jump on the same opportunity, quickly driving up the price of female workers to equal pay. He admits that he thinks it is strange no entrepreneur ever acted on the female discount until now, but expects the genie to come out of the bottle in rapid fashion as the incredible Swedish 14 % pay-gap becomes known to the market. Ohlsson regrets the fact that he cannot help it but let the chase for profit ultimately guide all of his decisions, “but I guess that’s how greedy we have become as a society, that we are now willing to give up our deepest sexist values just for the money.”


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