Fighting Ignorance

ter;" data-offset-key="ags20-0-0">It's a Great Time to be Alive

Have you ever thought about how great the time we live in is? The only thing that stops your ability to succeed is you. The only middle man is the internet.
The mainstream media tells us the world is in ruins, because fear sells and there are a lot of people buying into that. Which is creating a divide in our culture.
We have the Left and the Right. There is a lot of people like myself who is in the middle but the Left has basically created a divide that if you don't agree with us you you are a "Nazi", which according to them is everyone on the right.
How can anyone be so scared in this world where there is tons of information at our finger tips? It's rather simple these people who are so scared are....idiots. I feel like we live in a world where idiots rule through screaming and crying.

This article is not to polarize us even more it's just my opinion and you can take it with a grain of salt.

Scared into Submission

I don't believe the world is that bad of a place but there is a lot stupid people being very loud and violent. For some reason sensible people are trying to appease them instead of just saying "No". This bares some resemblance to how Europe tried to appease Germany before WW2.
These loud stupid people don't think of themselves as bad people and they probably aren't, but they are very ignorant of how things work. These stupid people think socialism is a good idea.
[epq-quote align="align-left"]Socialism by any name, whether it Democratic Socialism or Communism, is BAD!!![/epq-quote]
Socialism by any name, whether it Democratic Socialism or Communism, is BAD!!! Socialism is the concept that you can get something for nothing. I am not ignorant to say that we don't have socialist policies in place because we do and I don't agree with those either. The government should not be a forced charity i.e. Taxes. If people need help i.e. charity then they should seek help from charities like Churches and Non-Profits.
[epq-quote align="align-right"]The government should not be a forced charity i.e. Taxes.[/epq-quote]

Trapped in a Cycle

We seem to be trapped in a weird cycle where we are pro-capitalism and freedom which leads us into a very good place in the economy. Once we are there people start feeling entitled and push for socialism. If we are unlucky the idiots get it. As socialism takes control producers that existed when Capitalism reigned supreme start to disappear. The Government takes control of being the producer and as always they are bad at it. As things fall into starvation and homelessness people start getting angry because the few in the Government are sitting fat and rich.
Then the citizens over throw the oppressive socialist government and we go back to freedom and capitalism. Do you see the cycle?
If you see what I see and want to fight back against the socialist idiots then I encourage you to start being louder than the stupid people and challenging them. Make sure others know how good we have it and how good the world really is. Get out there and VOTE against the establishment by voting 3rd party or 4th party as long as they are Non-Socialist.

When you are fighting back against these stupid people refrain from violence except in self-defense. Ideas are not any good if you have to implement them by force. Remember these people are stupid and ignorant so you have to be compassionate to their ignorance.
If you don't have time to fight these people I encourage you to support channels that are fighting these people like, Louder With Crowder, Daily Wire, or many others.*

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*We are not affiliated with Louder with Crowder or Daily Wire

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