Another set of statements and ideas I find delusional

"Taxes are theft, but profit is earned"
The gov extracts taxes just as a capitalist extracts profit. You can't justify one form of domination over another. The basis of private property is control over how the workers produce. Ownership is as arbitrary as the state, and only exists because it is enforced.

"Communists don't understand economics"

I have never heard anyone say this that could actually define communism. How about a challenge, any ancap that can write a paragraph long definition and understanding of marxism, communism, or write an understanding of "ancap" in relation to the statements of the first self-proclaimed anarchist (specifically "anarchy is order", and "property is theft") Gets an SBI share from me.

"Antifa are the real fascists"

Antifa is a movement not a group, and the basis of that movement is anti-fascism. If anybody who is against fascism is themselves a fascist then all of reality is fascism lmao

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