Cap / Seal Haji yusuf khodam sultan Aceh


erycap / seal of the haji yusuf khadam sultan Aceh

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Tuanku Ibrahim Raja Fakih Ali Pidie as the representative of the sultan to make the manuscript of Aceh-American study, on the initiative of Acehnese fighters who live there, has formed a council of 7 people to assist and help Tuanku Ibrahim in carrying out the heavy duty.
This Council is known in history as the Council of Seven. They are (1) Teuku Muhammad Hanifah Nyak Piah (head of Tanjong Seumantok area), (2) Raja Treasurer Shaykh Ahmad bin Haji Kasim Annajjari (one of the sultan's ministers) (3) Sheikh Ahmad bin Abdullah Basaud (entrepreneur and a sultan's belief) (5) Teuku Nyak Abu Karruf (entrepreneur), (6) Shaykh Kasim bin Said Amudi (entrepreneur), and (7) Gulamudin Sah Maricar (secretary of the lorrain & hill) seal / stamp one of the Aceh council members in pinang.yang helped my lord ibrahim fakeh ali in pulo pinang
Haji Yusuf ibn Haji Kuala, khadam sultan Aceh 1286 H.
Teuku Ibrahim Raja Fakih who had the definite authority of Sultan Mahmud to sign a Treaty based on his plan (Teuku Ibrahim). The Council of Eight met once again towards the end of the month and entrusted the drafting of the treaty in English to Major Stuart Herriot, to be submitted to Major Studer. However, the Major Studer Manuscript of the Treaty was transferred to the United States Government at WASHINGTON D.C on October 4, 1873, a manuscript by the United States Government called PROPOSAL OF ATJEH-AMERICAN TREATY is stored in the Department of Foreign Affairs Department of the United States of America.
The contents of the Agreement offer by the Aceh Party, is to open up a wider opportunity to improve trade relations between the two countries, in this case Aceh fully guarantee the American ships sailing in the waters of Aceh, maupan American located in Mainland Aceh, then the Kingdom Aceh is willing not to bind Agreements similar to those of other States. When the Tibang commander inquired about what the United States Government wanted, Major Studer put forward several points: Ectratetritoriality, Extradition, American Property Guarantees, Security Guarantees and Religious Freedom.
The most powerful attraction of the draft agreement is the delivery of Weh Island to America. And all the members of the Council of Eight agreed on the agreement and under Teuku Ibrahim took him to Singapore.

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