Cannabis, Jingle Bells, and Why I'm Here...

26025952_313703342476085_6821955459417523585_o.jpg Colorado is an odd place for a Texan!
This morning it was 8 degrees outside ya'll... EIGHT!
So why on earth is a girl from Texas living in Colorado?
Simple answer: Cannabis.

The Motive Behind the Move
We decided we needed to live in a state that recognized it's citizens rights to grow a plant if they want to. My husband who's currently 42 years young was told he had everything from M.S. to Parkinson's starting at age 35. We were living in Virginia when he went in for a routine checkup. Well apparently his high blood pressure was enough of a concern that they forced me to take him to a hospital. They would not let him leave. Once in the hospital they pumped him full of medications for 24 hours and told us he had to continue taking this regiment or he would have a heart attack. They likened his blood pressure being so elevated to him being a drunk driver, they could not accept liability for knowingly sending him on his way with such high blood pressure. So, when we say that he was forced on to the pharmaceutical roller coaster, we are not over exaggerating.

Lab Rat
After spending 2 years as their lab rat he was barely able to walk or form sentences. The medications each came with side effects that they would just add other medications to. We had amazing insurance and I feel now that that was to our detriment. Tests and studies, lab work and trial meds. The best money could buy! After a year I started noticing the tests made no sense, they had no value. He's always been an insomniac, strapping him to a bed with wires attached to his skull is not going to produce accurate sleep study results for someone who has a hard time sleeping to begin with. Their answer, he should just take more pills...

Fed Up
They told me to start shopping for wheelchairs and I told them no.
Enough was enough.
My husband suggested we ditch it all and move to Colorado, after all he was only going to live a few more years anyways. So here we are! We've left high paying jobs in hopes of finding him some relief. Whether his sickness was 100% the pharmaceuticals, or whether he has MS, Parkinson's, LBD, or a combination thereof, he definitely is not well. Cannabis along with Kratom has given him some semblance of a life back. Will he ever be the man he was 5 years ago? Probably not. Will I need to go wheelchair shopping anytime soon? Absolutely not!

So this year we celebrated Christmas with other "Medical Refugees" currently living in Colorado. People who have left their homes to live in RVs and rental houses in hopes of finding some wellness through cannabis. This "War on Drugs" is really a WAR ON THE PEOPLE, and I cannot be silent anymore.

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