News: Vermont Is Now The First State To Legislatively Legalize Cannabis


While many other states have allowed marijuana use for medical purposes and some for recreation use, Vermont is the first state to legalize marijuana through a state legislature, rather than a ballot initiative. This is pretty significant since the State gov't is pushing for the bill and not like the previous to legalize marijuana which has all done so through a statewide vote. It's clear the State feel that cannabis should be legalized and the Vermont Senate approved a measure allowing the possession and recreational consumption of marijuana for adults over the age of 21 earlier this month. The Republican governor in Vermont, Phil Scott, signed a bill legalizing marijuana in the state on Monday.

"I personally believe that what adults do behind closed doors and on private property is their choice, so long as it does not negatively impact the health and safety of others, especially children," Gov. Phil Scott (R) said in a statement accompanying a legalization bill he signed into law on Monday.

Vermont Gov. Phil Scott previously said he would sign the bill, and now he did.

Vermont is officially the ninth state to legalize marijuana and the first to end cannabis prohibition through an act of lawmakers.

Below is the Press Release on the new from Governor Phil Scott.


Governor Phil Scott has signed H. 511, An act relating to eliminating penalties for possession of limited amounts of marijuana by adults 21 years of age or older, into law.

Read his full message to the General Assembly below:

“Today, with mixed emotions, I have signed H. 511.

“As I said when I vetoed S. 22 in May, I personally believe that what adults do behind closed doors and on private property is their choice, so long as it does not negatively impact the health and safety of others, especially children. In this context, it is very important to understand what H. 511 does and does not do.

“While this legislation decriminalizes, for adults 21 and older, personal possession of no more than 1 ounce, and cultivation of two mature plants on their private property, marijuana remains a controlled substance in Vermont and its sale is prohibited. Also, consumption of marijuana in public places is prohibited. Consumption of marijuana by operators and passengers in a motor vehicle is prohibited. Schools, employers, municipalities and landlords are also empowered to adopt policies and ordinances further restricting the cultivation and use.

“In addition, when we negotiated a compromise prior to the veto session in June, I insisted the legislation also include:

Stronger criminal and civil penalties for selling to or enabling the consumption of marijuana by someone under 21;

  • Criminal penalties for using marijuana in a motor vehicle with a child present;
  • Criminal penalties for using or growing marijuana at facilities serving children.
  • Clear legal liability of the consequences of making marijuana available to minors.
  • Strict penalties for possession of marijuana by those convicted of felony sale of marijuana, selling a regulated drug to minors, or on school grounds;
  • Stronger penalties and fines for open containers in a motor vehicle; and
  • Marijuana in excess of the permitted limit remains contraband and subject to seizure and forfeiture.

“H. 511 included these additional protections.

“My S.22 veto message also plainly expressed my reservations about a commercial system which depends on profit motive and market-driven demand for its growth. I look forward to the Marijuana Advisory Commission addressing the need to develop comprehensive education, prevention and highway safety strategies. To be very direct: There must be comprehensive and convincing plans completed in these areas before I will begin to consider the wisdom of implementing a commercial “tax and regulate” system for an adult marijuana market. It is important for the General Assembly to know that – until we have a workable plan to address each of these concerns – I will veto any additional effort along these lines, which manages to reach my desk.

“More importantly, as I noted in my State of the State address, I ask the General Assembly to now turn its efforts to addressing more significant issues faced by Vermonters in their daily lives.”

Click here to view the letter sent to the General Assembly.

It's great to see the government's in various States realize the laws around marijuana use are archaic and unjust... we look forward to the day when all other States in the US enacting laws to decriminalize cannabis use. Mind you it would be much better if the United States (Federal Gov't) just got rid of all the laws around cannabis use altogether and decriminalize it versus having legalized cannabis.

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