🐏 Golden Goat, Purple Haze 🦄 & The State Of The Cannabis Naming System 🔬

What is in a Name?

My phone lights up with a text from the weed man... "I got some Purple Haze Fam"

Nice. I was a little wary, as last week my cuz was like "Hey fam, I got some Purps." but when I arrived it was not even Purple. In fact it didn't even taste purple and it looked a lot like that Lemon bish I scored a few days prior.

Once I eventually hooked up with my plug, my suspicions where confirmed. The 'Purple Haze' was more like the orangey color of that Golden Goat I smashed yesterday and definitely nothing like the Purple Haze I once had at a Snoop Dogg Concert.

What is going on?

Well here comes the problem... Genetics.

Not everyone may be aware but breeding cannabis plants is a lot like breeding humans or animals. If you make a clone, you will end up with a copy of the genetics... But if you breed two seeds you end up with a completely different variety.

In other words, if you get a seed labelled "Blueberry Glue" there is no way it is the same plant as its parent. Not even close.

Think about it for a second.. Imagine, if you will, a pair of human clones made a baby. Would that baby be the same as its parents genetically? No ways. . . Therefore the baby deserves a new name.

The Future Classifications Have To Change!

From an Industry standpoint, just as fine wine and whiskey has evolved, so the naming classification of cannabis strains must evolve past a garbage in, garbage out system. A Blueberry grown from seed in Cali may be a completely different plant than one grown in Denver.

This is where genetic testing comes in.

Genetic testing not only allows for a perfect standardized naming classification and phylotree, but will standardize the medical aspect allowing medicinal trials, and mainly allowing growers and breeders to register the intellectual property rights of each of these strains.

A company trying to achieve just that is KannaPedia.

Click here for a interactive version of this graphic.

The graphic above displays each of the strains that have been genetically sequenced using the StrainSEEK™ Strain Identification and Registration Service. The placement of each strain on the graphic is determined by its genetic distance to the others. Genetic distance is a measure of the genetic divergence between cannabis strains. Strains with many similar alleles have small genetic distances, indicating they are closely related and have a recent common ancestor.

The best part is.. They are already etching all of this onto a blockchain!

We believe Genetic naming systems will take over the industry and allow growers better access to the knowledge and tools they need. Will you join us?

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