This Gorilla ruffled someones feathers...


What I had originally planned for today's discussion will be put off for a day. I am going to take this opportunity to address an issue that is prevalent in this industry. What, for a long period of time was a black market underground industry, the information that was shared on how to maximize the genetic to it's fullest extent was shrouded in secrets and was not freely shared with others. Collaborations existed after a vetting process that rivaled the initiation to the Illuminati.

I am going to preface the rest of this post with the following:

There are some excellent growers out there
There is not a single best method of growing (Both large scale and craft)
There isn't a short cut to growing top shelf
The growers knowledge is key (You can have a top shelf cultivar and be a mediocre grower, the result will be a mediocre product)
Study your craft. Get better each grow cycle

Let's drop some knowledge.

@thecleangame felt compelled to share his line in the sand stance that the only way to get top shelf product is to start with RO water. He also felt it necessary to point out that use of the Phytoremediation process was again, the wave of the future. Since he didn't believe I was doing my homework, here you go bruh, if you are reading this:

I found this interesting since he uses DWC. So let me give you another dose of reality from Kevin Jordrey:

Google, YouTube and other growers are going to be great sources of information. However, it is up to you and what you do with that information that will set you apart. Consider the source of the information and what their stake in your success is. Practice your craft. Be willing to lose in order to win.


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