SmokeLog, smokespot, hash photo and few thoughts written down

Have any of you noticed the amount of content related to cannabis? People are neglecting other types of THC, like hash, so let's try to change this.

Is there any more hash smokers in here?
I wanna see some pictures of them bad boys.

Here is my hash stash, or just a part of it. Some street hookup so I am not sure about type or name. But it is kind of average quality, I'd go with 3,5/5.


When you live in an area that is mostly rainy you come to appreciate every ray of sun you get, every milligram of vitamin D your body absorbs. When I used to live in a sunny area I used to complain when it was too sunny. It is so warm, I cant breath...But not any more, no no...
Especially when weather like this hits you on a weekends and you don't need to work. Let me just finish my coffee, grab some shake, smoke one more and jump on my bike for a ride. This must be done.

Here is the weather I was talking about, isn't it stunning; best smoke spot I could hope for and to whom I can get straight out of bed.


Do you feel like your vote is the size of trichome? That your account will never grow bigger?
You can join our small, still in beta Discord channel CryptoSmokers. Server is still new and small, but everyone that tend to post regular, interesting, unique, authentic and genuine material on is welcomed.

Here is the link for joining Discord server:


MM Photography Series on Flickr:
MM ExplorE Series:
--Palmetum (Tenerife)--Belfast--My balcony view--Amsterdam--
MM Creative Series on Flickr:

Enquiries about anything are welcome!
Upvote, comment and follow if you like!
Have a great life!

Work presented on this page is original and authentic; made by me with little help from my wife and internet.
Any redistribution or reproduction of part or all of the contents in any form from this page is prohibited without the permission of the copyright owner, in this case Milan M. (@psyceratopsb)

If you want to donate, I will gladly appreciate!
All revenue will be used as funds for opening “MM Art Workshop Studio”.


One small sentence of gratitude to my wife Martina for all of Her support and inspiration!
You can check some of her work

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