Ontario Cannabis Store Loses $25 Million selling Crappy Government Weed

Everyone is losing money except the Insiders, Bankers, Politicians with Secret Stock Options and Tax Collctors ...

You are making a killing if you were “gifted” special Cannabis stock Options.

But if you are selling Legal Canadian Government weed you are bankrupt.

Ontario's provincially-run cannabis distributor is set to lose $25 million in the current fiscal year, according to projections in the 2019 budget released by Queen's Park on Thursday.

The losses are the result of its initial investment in developing a wholesale distribution network, combined with the fact that OCS has sold relatively little product so far — which the provincial Progressive Conservative government blames on the federal Liberals.

The OCS is facing "a national cannabis supply shortage brought on by the federal government's mismanagement," the budget document says.


And Cannabis stocks are up 2,000 % ??

Somebody is getting fleeced ....

News : https://www.huffingtonpost.ca/2019/04/11/ontario-cannabis-store-25-mln-loss_a_23710434/

Originally shared on https://Smoke.io the All-Cannabis Social Network.

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