I bet my bong is older than yours....

Hey guys! So, I was inspired by a recent post by @sunrock asking fellow cannabis lovers to share photos of their bongs. WELL...mine deserves its own post. Why? Because he's been in use basically every day since 2002. 2002!!!


I'll share a quick synopsis of his life. In 2002, I was in college, living in a co-ed dorm. One of my closest friends to this day was living next door. Out of all the bad luck in the world, he ended up with a police officer as a room mate. Seriously. You can't make this stuff up. So, my friend showed up at my door one day with two bongs in his hands - and in true Matrix fashion (it was still recent!) asked me to choose the blue or the red...the conditions of the gift was that he could come to my room at any time of day to smoke since it was out of the question at his place. Of course, I said yes! Can you imagine not being able to smoke when you want? Fuck that. Maybe this is where our bond started forming, as he was the first true cannabis snob I've met. He would literally pull away most of the outside of the nugs (already trimmed, mind you) and cast it off to the side. He would only smoke the untouched portion of the bud. The rest got swept into a solo cup and at the end of the week I'd have enough shake for a few blunts, at least. He was always kind enough to leave a handful of nugs whenever he stopped by, especially during the weird hours while he was pledging. Anyways, friendship formed for life, and @nutinbutdatruth and I just attended his wedding last summer.

Look! I've kicked this guy so many times, I cant even count. Theres a pretty serious crack line running all the way around the bong, but it doesnt seem to affect anything. Weebles Wobbles but he dont fall down. I've been looking for the same bong every where I go, because I know his retirement is coming sooner than later. If anyone has seen his brothers or sisters, please let me know!!!


Glass thick as shit!


Don't you love how connections are made through smoking? LOL. Ill leave you with this photo collage:


I was so amused by the reflections caught in the bong. Its clearly been awhile since its been this clean....

Cheers, canna-community!

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