Steem Og Round 2(FLOWER ROOM UPDATE #44)

Round 2

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Steem #2


So here is a update on the first ever crypto cannabis, Steem Og. Outta 8 seeds cracked a few months ago, 4 made it. 2 males, and 2 females. One male was used to collect pollen. Out of the 2 females, I have 2 different phenos. One is tall, and the other is short. I made a mistake and assumed they where alike, and only took cuttings of the Steem #2, which are the ones I just threw into flower.


Steem #1 pictured above is still going, it's at the 65 day mark, and as you can see it's getting some nice colors. I was little lazy and did not take cuttings from this pheno. But this pheno had a successful pollination with the Steem pollen. The other steem was hit by the hermie, so I will not take the chance to take any seeds from it. Since the Steem #1 was pollinated before I even put the Pineapple hermies in, it's safe to say that F3 of Steem Og is on it's way. Two more crosses, then Steem Og will be a stable strain! Somebody send the memo to Leafly.

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Cutting of Steem #2 which this pic was taken at 1st hour of flower


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Same plant as the cover pic, this one was taken at 6 days of flower

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I have another 300 watt Maxisun Led light coming. Also I went ahead and got some Mylar to line the walls. I will be able to use the full capacity of my space with an additional light. I have been putting this off for to long now. I also will be transplanting a Steem into a 5 gallon pot, to do a side by side comparison to the one in the 3 gallon pot. So stay tuned, for my grow is small, but it is always changing.



Steem is the new Cookies



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