The moon will rise. Perspective-changing in Belize.

"The moon will rise at 4:21 PM, and set at 4:54 AM."


As the local radio station played in our 4x4, I heard the Belizean meteorologist report the MOON's rising and setting times.

I don't recall hearing that in weather reports before. Do you?

I adore, and regularly gaze upon, the Sun... but it was good to be reminded that the Sun is not the only attention-worthy thing in the sky.


Here, @juansgalt enjoys a two-person swing-set... creatively-placed in the Caribbean Sea, under a full and news-worthy moon.


The last time I posted about Belize, I was ALL FIRED UP to share near real-time posts about the incredible 2-week land-scouting, country-learning, opportunity-attracting EarthAngel adventure, from which I recently returned.

But shortly after I made that post -- the 3rd day of the trip -- the screen of my laptop cracked!

My money-maker was now unusable. A hardware replacement was not in my budget. Two new clients would have to start with a delay. And feelings of panic, worry, and aloneness did seize me that night.

After I discovered the damage, I stepped outside to try and decide what I would do... what I could do. Seeing no immediate solution only made me feel worse. I normally shed more tears to release gratitude and joy, than I do to release hurt and sadness. But that night -- for a few minutes -- self-pity and sad crying did happen.

With a laptop and wifi, I can do quite a lot. I can make money, content, and inspiration. I can support, create, and connect. But withOUT those two things...

Haha, of course I'm not so daft as to believe that. But the addiction we feel to our screens is real. And in many of our cases, the 'addiction' is also 'necessity.' And 'livelihood.'

So, I stood facing the night-time jungle. And as I wiped my face, I started to get a great sense from the many surrounding trees. I felt them urge me to give my worries to them. To just let all the cares and concerns travel from my head, down the length of my body, out of the soles of my feet, and deep, deep into the earth where negative emotions can do no harm to myself or others.

It was as if their roots signaled my own roots: "Give us those unwanted feelings. We'll transmute them for you." I imagined them converting this temporary low-point (like they do with carbon dioxide), into something useful (like oxygen).

Then Gus walked by, and asked if I was okay.

I wasn't yet, but was getting closer.

His pep talk was short, and very effective:

"When things aren't going your way, don't say "Why me?" Say "Try me!!"

Gus is an inspiration. He advised me to toughen up.


And Juan later advised me to smarten up:

"You can't do everything alone. You have to ask for help when you need it."

He told me that a couple of times, and he was right.

So as soon as I got back to Acapulco, I posted in a couple local crypto groups that I wanted to buy a spare monitor off someone for Bitcoin.

I got TWO offers... and neither wanted payment! Both just wanted to help. 💚

The past 2.5 years, I have stared only into a 14" screen, for everything. Research, writing posts and articles, making and watching videos, all on a rather small display. And now, I am typing this while looking at an incredible 30" screen!

Work used to feel like writing a huge idea, with a fat crayon, on a tiny scrap of paper. Squinched. Pinched. Now, ideas in my head are climbing out of the match-boxes that once confined them. Buh-bye tight, shrunken, squisher-of-tabs. Hello tall, wiiiiiiiide, canvas of dreams.

I'm so thankful for this upgrade. And yes, the generosity shown to me, did make me cry those happy tears again.

The company we keep MATTERS.

When our mindset dips, it's very important to be around good people.

And if you're ever short on those (and I hope no one reading this is), you can always find a good tree to help you shift and lift yourself.


On Tim's property, which is also a wildlife conservatory.

People and trees are both part of a larger ecosystem that IS ABLE to attend to our needs.

I experienced this metaphysically, when I dug deeper and found new strength during a personally challenging time. And also materially, when I engaged my communities, and found a hardware solution I needed to move forward.

It's our PERSPECTIVE about life-in-general that POSITIONS us, with either great seats, or an obstructed view.


Another important, and under-mentioned, part of my ecosystem are my AMAZING PATRONS:

💚 Christie Day Gee

💚 Eunice Harris

💚 Chris Henry

💚 Dan Lucas

💚 Steven Lytle

For over a year, these beyond-kind people have supported me and my writing/advocacy. Being outspoken about a controversial topic like cannabis/hemp sometimes comes with an unwanted cost.

With little-to-no reward or recognition, these Loves simply get it, and their faithful support helps me say and write true things about cannabis/hemp. I can more safely accept the social risk, because they stand with me.

You are angels in my eyes Christie, Mom, Chris, Dan, and Steven. I am ever-thankful for your belief in me, and my work in the world. 😘

I am devoted to the study and celebration of cannabis/hemp. My commitment to it does not tire or fade. Question: Do you enjoy cannabis, and/or believe no one should be criminalized for the harmless pursuit of health and happiness? If so, consider supporting my public and persistent advocacy, by becoming a patron.


Stay tuned for more visual tales from Belize, about a rapidly-growing group of people who actually believe they will make the world more beautiful, healthy, and joyful with the prolific use of industrial hemp, permaculture, biofractal design, natural earth building, blockchain technology, 3D printing, hands-on learning, and other harm-free innovations that benefit all forms of life.

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EarthAngels Core Team: Gus, Juan, Michael (semi-hidden, sorry!), Tim (aka Skinny), and me (on the other side of the camera, taking this picture.)

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Here we all are VERY early one morning -- up before 8AM -- after a great night's stay at Yugadah's Inn in Hopkins Village, which is in the Stann Creek District of Belize. The owner, Rosie, is a dear friend of Tim's, from back when he was playing music full-time on another island. She is as bright and warm as the Sun! I wish she was in this picture with us. Her arms and heart are so wide open, and everything she says, is a song.



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