Growing Cannabis Day 3: Planting seeds

After roughly 35 hours submerged in water, my eggs have started to crack open and I see root showing.

See all those tiny white strips? Those are the roots pouring pushing through.

Did I do too much? Maybe. But it's ok.


I don't have enough buckets to cover each spot, but I do have this large plastic for the meantime. I think it will work out just fine. And it's convenient since I have zero funds for this at this moment. So have to make do with what I got. Believe it or not the wind blew it into my yard one day and it just stayed here. Thank you nature.

I got home later than usual and the sun is running out on me already.


Because someone took my shovel, (I know someone did because I never let anyone have it) I'll have to use the hammers backside instead. To rough up the ground a bit for planting ease. And It worked out just fine. The ground was softer than I imagined it to be.


I put a put 3 to 4 seeds per hole. Don't worry I can get PLENTY of wild seeds. And many just donate them to me and when harvest comes by, some of the plants give me plenty of hundreds of seeds. It might be good quality seeds sometimes or just regular, either way there's no way for me to tell till it all grows.

Why so many per hole?

I'm not worried about there being too many in one. I'll let grow the best one out of each. I know they'll join into one thing in the roots. So chopping one down won't be Bother. Again, I have more cannabis seeds than you can jerk out in a session. I have enough for many seasons to come. But I'm not a seed bank either.

... Maybe I'll let a few make bunches of seeds and make some flour for tortillas with it. I never had them before. Curious to how they will taste.

Anyone ever had eaten flour tortillas made from cannabis seeds or made them? Shoot me a link to a post about your experience with it. Even if it is old.

I don't know if it will come out male or female either. I don't want a low yield this time. I do know that most of these have been ready for harvest at 4 - 6 even 8 months. I also want to evade some prying eye'sin the sky so to make it as a bush, a few at a time won't hurt. But I will be making a cover for the crop. Plenty of time for that later. Don't let me forget either.

Winter is coming. October is already knocking at the door. Fall is upon us. It's raining more now. Wet winter maybe?

Probably not in this town. It hardly rains rains anymore. And humans playing God with the weather is not helping anyone. Just let things be.

I got it all buried now. Here I am wetting the area down. It's very dark at this point. I can hardly see especially since I have bad eye sight as well.


Make sure to get it real wet. Don't be shy with it. Jiggle that hoes around the sides get that ground real wet. Because tomorrow it's going to be very dry. Maybe.

Weather forecast from WINDY app tells of 30°C till Sunday and very sunny and dry climate too. The usual taste.

I grew up surrounded by the thick woods of pines at the Appalachian mountains, long windy roads and rainfall that can fill your lungs with water from the air it rains so much.

I've only ever been through a wild monsoon storm in Mazatlan Mexico. It was literally a sheet of water pouring down. You could not breathe at all. But it was beautiful too. Chilling a t the beach and suddenly the heaviest rainfall of my life. I enjoyed every cold second of it.

Anyways, back to what I got going on in the back. Here's a list of some stuff that may be useful for this grow in the near future. All of which is in my backyard now.

  • Wood posts.

  • Rotten pallets

  • half a bag of cement (stored in my house)

  • Tools: Hammer, cutters for thin sheets of metal,
    no nails... I can buy some later.

  • A small shovel need to buy a new one. I really think it got stolen... Not in my property. It's a bit frustrating actually.

  • Theoretically Unlimited water beneath me (note to self: Need a well)

  • A 4x1 meter strip of Plastic

  • Big Rocks

  • Munchies

I'm all set, for something.

Work life:


Got the wire in. 0-AWG 3 Hot 1 ground of 8 -AWG(This is the gauge of thickness of wire) running from the main to this first box here.

We've been using nothing but recycled materials for this installation. Basically for the most part it's a welding company that is moving to a new location, so we been stripping the other place to bring it here and install it all again.



To the right side we added 3 (2-AWG), 5 (8-AWG) 2 of which are ground for each machine were re-installing. I've already showed you two. The blue one is still in the previous shop and this one here. Under the black plastic.


This one is for compressed air flow.


I dropped a skrew underneath the machine and something crawled on my hand. When I pulled it out, this is who I found.

Beautiful, no sarcasm, I love spiders.


That's it for today.

I got other things I want to write about in different places on different topics.

I'll leave you with an interesting post from sub|stack that explains much of what I think about the military in general and it was written by a veteran.


The Military Is Gay by sptiris

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